an Earthsea rpg,
set in the time of The Book of The Dark
a work-in-progress

The Word of Unbinding.WoUGnomes, rock trolls and vampires were only used in this early story and are not considered canon by the author.
The Rule of NamesRoN 
A Wizard of EarthseaWoEPage numbers for WoE, ToA & TFS are from Bantam Editions, 1982/83
The Tombs of AtuanToA 
The Farthest ShoreTFS 
The Other WindTOW 
*The following are separately listed stories from 'Tales from Earthsea' *TfETfE, Harcourt 2001
The FinderTF 
Darkrose and DiamondDD 
Bones of the EarthBotE 
On the High MarshOtHM 
A Description of EarthseaDoEThis explication clarifies history, timelines, culture and lore and, as such, is essential as in-game canon.
These last two stories from The Books of Earthsea conclude the canon  
The Daughter of OdrenDO 

The following are useful online sources of names, timelines, analyses of themes, detailed maps and musicEarthsea wikipediaThe Isolate TowerGregory B. Sadler's analyses of all Earthsea books
David Mitchell on Earthsea
Koriel Kruer, Artstation, detailed mapsFor the Long Dance
For Sunreturn, or an example of music performed in Darkrose and Diamond (TfE)
Atmosphere and sea journeys

The Inward Isles and The Reaches

The Inward IslesPeopleKnown forWhere
Havnor-The Tower of the Kings, atop of which is the sword of Erreth-AkbeThe Great Island
Gont-Goatherds, pirates, sorcerers-
Andrades-Merchants, Old Serpent of AndradPellawi-fur cloaks
Paln-The Lore of Paln 
The EnladesHouse of Serriadh, of the line of Morred and ElfarranEnlad, Isle of the Myths-
IlienGemal Seaborn. MaharionThe last King of all the Isles 
WayAkambar, House of SheliethShelieth of the Fountains (also see note on Gensher and the Stone of Shelieth in Canon) 
PendorSealords of Pendor, pirates and slave-takersJewels from long-dead princes of Paln and HoskLong dead during WoE
DirectionLandsPersons of noteLanguageNote
NorthHogen Land--'...a land greater than...the Archipelago' or '...mere reefs and rocks...'
-OsskilBenderesk, LordOsskiliCourt of the Terrenon
North East, KargadKarego-AtThe God King in AwabathKargad 
-AtuanWuluah & Atwah  
-Hur-At-Hur--'...they say there are still large dragons in the mountains.' ToA
EastSpringwater Isle--Ged's Spring
SoutheastAstowell--'also called Lastland' (WoE)
-Showl (TFS)--Slave market
-Isle of the Ear'where men do not go' (WoE)-'full of bones and portents'
Speculated. 'They sell men in the South Reach' (TFS)The Market of Amrun (TFS)--Slave market
-The Long Dune   
-The Open Sea, The Roads of BalatranThe Children of the Open Sea  
WestThe Dragon's Run &   

The Old Powers and their known locations

Roke KnollRokeThe Loosing of The Shadow, WoE
Immanent GroveRokeThe Patterner resides and observes The Pattern here
Court of the TerrenonOsskilThe Terrenon Stone is contained here (The Hawk's Flight, WoE)
The Tombs and LabyrinthAtuanThe Nameless Ones
Forest, near FaliernHavnorNext to Mount Onn (The Finder, TfE)
The Black Well of Fundaur-Emanations of Fundaur, centuries before Dulse/Heleth (TfE)
The Lips of PaorUnstated-
Ea'that sacred and powerful soil' (DoE) 
The Springs of EnsaSoleaNow sunk
Dark PondGontTop of Semere's cow pasture (BotE)

Throughout Earthsea, various springs, caves, hills, stones, and woods were and always had been sites of concentrated power and sacredness. All were locally feared or venerated; some were known far and wide.
Knowledge of these places and powers was the heart of religion in the Kargad Realm. In the Archipelago, the lore of the Old Powers was still part of the profound, common basis of thought and reverence.Only in Paln did wizards combine the two practices, in the arcane, esoteric, and reputedly dangerous Pelnish Lore.Though like any power they could be perverted to evil use in the service of ambition (as was the Terrenon Stone in Osskil), the Old Powers were inherently sacral and pre-ethical.

Canon used in play
and mentioned in passing

  • Gensher of Way, archmage after Nemmerle, brought Stone of Shelieth to Roke. The Stone contains a Presence (TFS)

  • Lord of Re Albi married an enchantress (WoE)

  • Socrcery is more often learnt by apprenticeship to a witch or sorcerer.

  • Sparkweed, from ashes of burning of Ilien when Erreth-Akbe defended it from Firelord, who was trying to keep sun from moving.

  • All Enlad laid waste when Hero-Mage of Havnor (Morred) fought his Enemy for Princess Elfarran. Soléa sunk.

  • Morred, saw his enemy’s name written by falling raindrops in the dust of the battlefield of the Plains of Enlad

  • Segoy, Eldest Lord, who raised the land from the sea, and first wrote the True Runes in fire on the wind.

  • 'Out of the sea there rise...no evil powers: evil is of earth.' (TFS)

  • Corly root and the Nagian Chant - for healing.

  • The Fallows - first dark of moon after Sunreturn. An unlucky time for travellers and for the sick. Children are not given their true name, no Deeds are sung, no swords nor edge-tools sharpened, no oaths sworn. Things done are ill done.

  • Oaks, chestnuts, and grey alder roots are in profound communication with running water (WoU)

  • There is a Name that will 'burst all locks and break open any man-made door' (WoU)

  • The sea wall of Nepp

  • The Grey Mage made the greatest spells in Lore of Paln (1ka before TFS).

  • Grey Mage was driven out after Paln fell on evil times, died nameless (TFS pg 74)

  • Grey Mage’s staff found & used by Cob (Cob calls him 'the master of my art') in TFS.

  • Grey Mage silenced (killed, TFS) Nereger

  • Nereger of Paln, learned the Black Mage’s name from overhearing the conversation of dragons

  • Arha claims The First Priestess was 2 thousand years before her.


  • Ogion’s lorebooks, from Heleth Farseer, from the Great Mage, Ennas of Perregal (TfE)

  • Glosses of Danemer (TfE)

  • Arcana of the Enlades (TfE)

  • Book of the Undertakings of the Makers also known as The Book of Names

  • Matter of the Dragons

  • The Lore of Paln - spells of Summoning the dead are contained within it

  • Book of the Dark (TfE)

  • Gelluk's lore book from Way, treatise on quicksilver (The Finder, TfE)

Songs & a Mime

  • The Havnorian Lay (TfE)

  • Deed of the Dragonlords

  • The Deed of Enlad (TfE)

  • Creation of Éa

  • The Winter Carol

  • Deed of the Young King

  • Song of the Young King (sung at Sunreturn)

  • Deed of Erreth-Akbe

  • Deed of Hode

  • Lament for the White Enchanter - sung by Elfarran at Morred’s death

  • Song of the Sparrowhawk - Sung to an old tune by chanters of Low Torning, near Pendor

  • The Song of The Young King or The Deed of Morred. The latter may also be mimed.

  • The Deed of Ged

Runes, Old Speech and Constellations

  • Six Hundred Runes of Hardic ('True Runes')

  • Further Runes, Runes of Éa (used in Great Spells)

  • The Closed Mouth (Ogion’s Rune)

  • Sifl, 'speed well' (written on oarport covers)

  • Simn, 'work well'

  • Rune of Peace, also known as The Bond Rune (TfE), and The Lost Rune of the Kings (on Ged’s staff)

  • Agnen, the Rune of Ending (southern constellation).

  • Rune of The Closed Door, to prevent the return of ill chance or person(s) (TOW)

  • Memeas, 'I will come' (TFS)

  • Ahm, the beginning, or long ago (TFS)

  • Ohb, the end (TFS)

  • 4 from TFS:

  • Agnen, the Rune of Ending (southern constellation).

  • The Sheaf

  • The Door

  • The One Who Turns

  • The Tree

  • 4 from TOW:

  • The Cart

  • The Falcon

  • The Dancers

  • The Heart of the Swan

The Masters of Roke

FinderSpells of finding, binding & returningabolished, Archmage Halkel in 730, replaced with Chanter, (TfE(
ChanterDeeds of heroes, lays of wisdom, songs 
WindkeyArts of wind and weather 
HerbalWays and properties of things that grow 
HandSleight, jugglery, lesser arts of ChangingCourt of Seeming
ChangeMaking and Shaping 
Summoninglight, heat, the force which draws the magnet, weight, form, colour, sound, invocations of the Unseen 
NamerHardic, Old SpeechIsolate Tower
PatternEquilibrium & Balance, meaning & intent (TfE)Immanent Grove
DoorkeeperThe names of those who enter The Great House of Roke'Not by chance does any man come to the shores of Roke' (common saying)

Playable Crafts

Crafts mentionedNote
Jugglery, sleight 
Chanters, tellers 
Windbringing, weatherworkingDifficulty in outer Reaches or when opposed
Finding, dowsing (TfE)(to bring things home)
Binding(to keep things sound)
Mending, unsealing, 
RevealingMany simple sorcerers can cause an image to appear on the water-mirror. (TFS, pg133)
Spellsmithing, spellwrights 
Healalls, herbalists 
Seamastery'craft with iron' (WoE) Seamasters can direct a magnet to point to their actual destination. Implicitly a form of Summoning as it directs 'the force which draws the magnet'.
Animal husbandryincluding beast-calling, being understood by beasts, and beast healing
Mining & metallurgy 
Planting & growing spells 
Love spells 

Note: the division of magic into 'base craft' and 'high art', and the restriction of 'witchery' (and the crafts associated with it) to women was the work of Halkel, who also created the title of Archmage. All crafts may be attempted by those with magical ability, their limitations only set by power, knowledge and an understanding of Pattern.Other occupations, implicitly non-magical: Hunters, herders, tinkers, merchants (sea-peddlars, RoN) sailors, pirates, slavers, slaves, shipwrights, boatmakers, longshoremen, salve sellers, net makers, cowherds, clamdiggers, herb-hunters (RoN), carpenter, cabinetmaker, stonelayer, roofer (Silence's crafts [BotE, TfE])

  • The Sea Guild - provides food and shelter to sailors, possibly longshoremen, and hospitality to those who travel by ship.

  • Crossing over to The Dry Land - 'only a wizard can make with open eyes, and which not the greatest mage can do without risk.' WoE, pg82

Should you wish to play,
find me here.

  • 'To light a candle is to cast a shadow.'

  • 'Rules change in the Reaches'. A true spell on Roke maybe mere words on Iffish. (TFS)

  • 'How could he speak to you across the seas but in your own voice?’ TFS p137

  • ‘It’s not only in dreams…that we find ourselves facing what is yet to be in what was long forgotten, and speaking what seems nonsense because we will not see its meaning.’ TFS p76

  • 'Rain on Roke may be drough in Osskil... unless you know what you are about.' WoE p54

  • A gift untaught is a ship unguided - common saying

  • Weak as women's magic/Wicked as women's magic - common saying